Smitty Bee adheres to strict, highly detailed procedures when processing and packing bulk honey for our valuable customers to ensure the end product meets and exceeds expectations. Our niche processes also protect the integrity and authenticity of every pound of honey.

hive iconHoney is harvested by beekeepers from all over the world.


Raw honey is shipped to Smitty Bee’s warehouse. Samples are pulled and sent to multiple third party labs.


tests iconHoney undergoes extensive testing to ensure it meets strict food safety and ethical standards.


Honey Strained in Bowl iconOnce honey is approved, it is blended and strained according to customer specifications.


Honey Bear IconCustomer orders are placed and honey is packaged according to customer’s retail, food service and commercial ingredient requirements.


Bulk IconHoney is sold in bulk to food manufacturers where it is used as an ingredient or packaged for retail and food service distribution.